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  • Digital Fasting: How Cutting Distractions Helped Me Create More

Digital Fasting: How Cutting Distractions Helped Me Create More

“Clutter is costly. Attention is scarce. Optimizing for meaning is the path to a focused life.”

Desktop after work

Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

Less than three weeks from now, Ramadan will begin—a time of fasting, reflection, and renewal.

But fasting isn’t just about food. In a world overloaded with digital distractions, maybe what we need most is a fast from mindless consumption.

A few months ago, I deleted my Instagram account and removed all social media apps from my phone.

It was one of the best decisions I’ve made.

Not because I dislike social media—but because it was stealing my focus. Instead of creating, I was consuming. Instead of thinking, I was reacting. Instead of deep work, I was doomscrolling.

As Cal Newport writes in Digital Minimalism:

“Clutter is costly. Attention is scarce. Optimizing for meaning is the path to a focused life.”

Cal Newport

I thought I needed social media to stay informed, connected, and relevant. But in reality, it was keeping me stuck in a cycle of endless distraction.

🔹 Less scrolling, more writing – Without social media, I had more time and mental clarity to publish daily.
🔹 More focus, less noise – My attention span improved. I could sit with ideas instead of constantly switching between apps.
🔹 The biggest shift? Energy. – Consuming passively drained me. Creating actively energized me.

Now, I use social media intentionally—only for specific purposes, on my own terms. And I spend way more time on what actually matters: writing, thinking, and meaningful conversations.

As Ramadan approaches, I’m considering another digital fast—this time, a structured break from all unnecessary distractions. A chance to go even deeper into focus, reflection, and intentional creation.

📌 Today’s Atomic Essay

💬 Your Turn

What’s one digital habit you’d like to cut back on?

I’d be glad to hear, reply to this email or comment below!

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♻️ Repost to help others break free from distractions.
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